"Welcome to Wallick Global Consulting, where global education dreams come to life. With expert guidance and personalized support from our counsellors, students navigate the complex world of international admissions, ensuring that they find the right fit for their academic and career aspirations.“ ~ Heather Amy Wallick

Heather Amy Wallick
Heather Wallick is a renowned expert in higher education admissions, with over two decades of experience, including her role as Assistant Director of Admissions and Financial Aid at Harvard Law School. She now leads Wallick Global Consulting, a firm specializing in guiding applicants through the complex admissions processes of elite institutions. Wallick is celebrated for her deep understanding of admissions dynamics and her commitment to diversity and inclusion. Through her consulting firm, she has successfully helped countless students gain acceptance to top-tier universities, leveraging her insider knowledge to provide strategic, personalized guidance to each client.

Why Choose Us
Deep-Rooted Expertise: With experience navigating the intricacies of global admissions, our team possesses a profound understanding of diverse university systems and requirements.
Personalized Strategic Guidance: We believe in tailoring our services to each student’s unique aspirations. Our customized strategies highlight individual strengths and align seamlessly with academic and career goals.
A Track Record of Success: Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our impressive success rate. We’ve consistently helped students secure admissions from prestigious universities worldwide.
Comprehensive Support, From Application to Career Plan: Our dedication extends beyond the admissions process. We provide ongoing support and guidance, ensuring students have the resources and tools necessary to succeed academically and professionally.
WGC Provides:
Comprehensive Admissions Counselling
Essay Guidance
Test Preparation Guidance
University Selection
Application Strategy
Interview Preparation
Personal Statement Support
Scholarship Awareness
Financial Aid Options
Successful Candidates
Total Admits
Admitted To Top 10 University
Admitted To Top 25 University
Scholarship offers made to clients
We have received media coverage.

March 9, 2023
Former Admissions Director at Harvard Law School, whose clients have been admitted to Stanford, Yale, Harvard,..
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Nov 22, 2022
Eight Stanford Admissions and Admissions to Harvard, Yale, and Oxford, in 2022, ..
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Nov 15, 2022
Tips for attending top tier universities- from a Former Assistant Director of Admissions at Harvard Law School
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July 8, 2022
Wallick Global Consulting’s LL.M. clients continue to impress: 7 Stanford admits, admissions.........
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DevritI’ve known Heather from her years at Harvard Law School Graduate Program. Heather is the paradigmatic example of being hands-on and passionate about everything one does. She invested in getting to know students and their particularities personally, and that allowed her to be the perfect sounding board for the (oft-too-anxious…) students. Specifically, I found Heather’s skill-set from her “previous life” as an immigration in-house lawyer to be particularly valuable, as it complements nicely all the considerations and nuances before, during, and after studying in the U.S. I believe that the combination of her various skill sets, experience and personality will make Heather a great consultant and confidante for students considering (or already in) higher education in the U.S
Donna BalaskiIt is with pleasure that I recommend Heather Wallick, who is outstanding in her attention to detail and ability to help to transition the professional work experience into a stellar academic application. She provides transparent and concise feedback in a timely manner, offers practical suggestions suited to one’s application and career aspirations. She responds to queries in a professional manner and provides effective feedback and support. Heather’s breadth of knowledge and experience in the field of academia makes her an extremely valuable asset to any student seeking advice on professional school admissions.